I really love taking pictures and have on occasion taken some cool (at least I think so!) face pics of my friends kids and of course my own and family! This photo is of my sweet, spunky niece named Maggie. We were at my parents house in Georgia and Maggie was riding in the golf cart and when it stopped I called her name and just snapped this picture. I.LOVE.HER.EYES. in this picture...they are such a beautiful blue and I love the way her hair is all tossled from the fun cart ride she just got back from. Just good 'ol summer time fun.

"I am submitting this photo into the www.iheartfaces.com Blurb Book photo contest. I am granting I ♥ Faces permission to use my photo in a printed version of a book for commercial use and possibly advertising of a photo book on both the Blurb and I ♥ Facesweb sites."
Such a great shot... I love the colors & those eyes...WOW
gorgeous eyes
I love her beautiful blue eyes with that gorgeous green background! Great shot!!
those beautiful BEAUTIFUL eyes are gonna' break hearts. :)
Wow, her blue eyes and the green background make this stunning.
I am so glad you found it and entered! What a great shot :-)
I like this one of her.....it captures her attitude as well!! Like the five hundred times she told me today, "I'm bored Mom, there's NOTHING to do!!" I hope this picture wins!! I heart Maggie Moo:)
You captured the essence of Maggie! She is a natural beauty! Great work Aunt Ashley.
I heart this pic, too. Her eyes and lips are what really popped out at me. She is a beauty...just like her mom!
I'm glad you found iheartfaces. Now get ready for the addiction. :) You are absolutely right...this girls has gorgeous eyes and a beautiful color to her hair. Nicely done!
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