Well...Morgan started 5th grade today (sniff...sniff) and was so unbelievably excited! She looks so grown up in this picture! Her new thing is scrunching her hair with gel to make it look (& stay!) curly.

We made it a family affair today that started out with a special prayer for Morgan and for her first day at school. Then we all piled in the jeep and walked her in all the way to her classroom (and am sooo thankful she wanted us to go!)

This is Morgan getting into to her class at her desk. The girl the other pink shirt is a good friend of Morgan's from last year and was so excited to see Morgan this morning in class.
After picking up Morgan today, I asked her what the best things about today were and this was her answer...
"I felt so big and strong...cuz you know the 5th graders are all so big!"
"Alot of people said my hair looked good." and finally....
"Mom, they said if you forget to do your missed work then you will get a detention!"
All in all, she LOVED her first day and that is all that matters...until tomorrow!
Aw Morgan looks so grown up!! I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday, she was so small and just started walking!
Oh boy-- and TJ! I used to hold him as he fell asleep in my arms! Time sure does fly!
It seems you all have so much fun things going on. I really would love to get together with you soon! Perhaps lunch? Call me when you get a chance and we can set it up!
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