Hard to believe my baby is 11! His requests for the day were homemade potato soup (recipe from Aunt Mandy!) and a cookie cake. We also surprised him for lunch at school and brought subs to eat with him. I made his cookie cake...yes, I know the soccer balls look like pinwheels! I could be on Cake Wrecks with this one...haha! Cierra...pictured below wrote him the SWEETEST bday card ever! I won't be surprised one day if these two aren't married...but that's a LONG time away :) She's a great girl who thinks alot of TJ...right now they are like best friends which is perfect!
My 11 year old is very energetic, never sits still and is full of life!
He absolutely LoVeS to fish with his daddy! He asks every day to go to the pond when Todd gets home. It's been fun to see him learn more and more about fishing. I know he will have such great memories of these times.

His two pounder! Caught with just hog dogs too!

He also does alot of this!! He is at three times a week now with some personal one on one training for his goalie position. He is excelling at soccer...but more importantly he is learning that he has an opportunity to be a great example for God on his team with the way he acts on and off the field. Good life lessons...
Something you might not know is how much he loves to draw...or paint in this case. He's making a ceramic award for his dad for Father's day. Look at the intensity on his face!
TJ LoVeS UCF...he kind of has to in this family but his love for all things SWEET makes him more like ME for sure! Here we are at a UCF game sharing a cotton candy...Lordy, that was delicious! I savored it because I only get it about once a year!
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