My sweet girl is heading to Savannah, GA tomorrow for a mission trip on her Spring Break. Can I just brag a minute? I am so proud of her for sacrificing her time away from school to go and serve others. She has spent the past five months every Sunday preparing for this trip. Morgan is in the puppet group and she has had a ball learning puppets!! They are going to a children's home to do puppets, sign language, drama and singing as well as hanging with the children and loving on them. Each of the kids have prepared their testimony and will be sharing that throughout the trip. I am just so grateful to God for her servants heart and willingness to go...and I just pray that her love for others and wanting to serve will just keep on increasing as she grows. Thank you God for blessing us with Morgan Brooke and I can't wait until Thursday when she comes back to hear how Your love was shown in Savannah!

She's such a beauty. You have so much to brag about. Beautiful pictures. Have fun Morgan!
Just got your email!! I have been thinking of doing the same thing. But then my mom joined FB yesterday and I thought well now I can't just close my account the day she joined she'll think I'm avoiding her or something. I need to get back to my blog as well:) awesome is sweet Morgan!!! I'll be praying for her and her whole group. How neat they are just up the road from us.
Take care and enjoy your time with TJ! ~Jeni
What a great experience that will be for her!
What a godly young neice I have-I am so proud of her and can't wait to hear about her trip! Miss you guys:)
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