My good friend, Tara Byrd offered to help me spruce up some drapes of mine...that actually came with our house when we bought it. I really didn't like them but they matched my walls and were FREE, so I lived with them. It almost makes me sick to think I wanted to just throw them out at one time...what was I thinking? We kept the original drape and just added some fabric and cute trim which gave a whole new life to them...I absolutely LOVE my new drapes and just appreciate and love my friend, Tara who helped so much in getting these done and hung up. When Tara comes over, things get done...I love that about her!! When she delivered the drapes, I was just going to place them somewhere totally not thinking they could be hung up right away...oh no...we got right down to business!! It's a good thing too, because of my procrastination, they probably would still be nicely sitting somewhere ready to be hung! (sidenote: these pics are uploaded in the wrong order...ughhh...I'm still trying to work out some kinks with the MAC but you can still get the idea!)
A full view of the new drapes. I just LOVE how they frame out my breakfast area and check out how they are hung...NO rods, just rings and upholstery tacks..."True Nester Style"...and CHEAP...