a day off of work, calling one of my bestest friends the night before and asking her to go to the beach with me, she calls me to tell me "yes" with a sweet giddiness in her voice, riding in the jeep with the air whipping through our hair, having our morning coffee on the way there, tons of conversations from american idol to life now and how it used to be and sharing about our kids, stopping before the beach to use the restroom because we had kids (you know what i mean!), feeling the cold sand between our toes, basking in the warm sun, listening to the waves crash, watching elderly men look for treasures with their metal detectors, taking a few pictures to document the day, leaving fifteen minutes early because we needed to use the restroom again (b/c we had kids!), getting a value meal at mcdonalds to share so we could save money!, the FRIES :o), singing our heart out to a reba song we used to dance to in our line dancing years, the FRIES :o), listening to K92.3 but turning it down to talk at times, the FRIES :o), racing back to pick-up her preschooler (b/c we have kids!) in time, having your friend tell you "thanks, it was the best day"..... that is a fabulous day!! i love you elaine and can't wait to go again!